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Add Actiongroup action to update Resolution for multiple issues

Started by administrator, 23 May 2024, 10:35:52

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In config/config_inc.php define:
$g_custom_group_actions = array();
$g_custom_group_actions[0]['action'] = 'EXT_UPDATE_RESOLUTION';
$g_custom_group_actions[0]['label'] = 'actiongroup_menu_update_resolution';

in config/custom_strings_inc.php, add:
$s_actiongroup_menu_update_resolution = 'Update Resolution';
$s_update_resolution_title = 'Update Resolution';
$s_update_resolution_msg = 'Choose issue Resolution';
$s_update_resolutiony_button = 'Update Resolution';

Create the script bug_actiongroup_update_resolution_inc.php in the root of your mantis installation:
# MantisBT - A PHP based bugtracking system

# MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MantisBT.  If not, see <>.

 * Bug action group include file
 * @package MantisBT
 * @copyright Copyright 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito -
 * @copyright Copyright 2002  MantisBT Team -
 * @link
 * @uses access_api.php
 * @uses bug_api.php
 * @uses config_api.php
 * @uses gpc_api.php
 * @uses lang_api.php
 * @uses print_api.php

if( !defined( 'BUG_ACTIONGROUP_INC_ALLOW' ) ) {

require_api( 'access_api.php' );
require_api( 'bug_api.php' );
require_api( 'config_api.php' );
require_api( 'gpc_api.php' );
require_api( 'lang_api.php' );
require_api( 'print_api.php' );

 * Prints the title for the custom action page.
 * @return void
function action_update_resolution_print_title() {
   echo lang_get( 'update_resolution_title' );

 * Prints the field within the custom action form.  This has an entry for
 * every field the user need to supply + the submit button.  The fields are
 * added as rows in a table that is already created by the calling code.
 * A row has two columns.
 * @return void
function action_update_resolution_print_fields() {
      <th class="category">
         <?php echo lang_get( 'update_resolution_msg' ); ?>
         <select name="resolution" class="input-sm">';
            <?php print_enum_string_option_list( 'resolution' ); ?>

 * Validates the action on the specified bug id.
 * @param integer $p_bug_id A bug identifier.
 * @return string|null On failure: the reason why the action could not be validated. On success: null.
function action_update_resolution_validate( $p_bug_id ) {
   $t_update_resolution_threshold = config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' );
   $t_bug_id = $p_bug_id;

   if( bug_is_readonly( $t_bug_id ) ) {
      return lang_get( 'actiongroup_error_issue_is_readonly' );

   if( !access_has_bug_level( $t_update_resolution_threshold, $t_bug_id ) ) {
      return lang_get( 'access_denied' );

   return null;

 * Executes the custom action on the specified bug id.
 * @param integer $p_bug_id The bug id to execute the custom action on.
 * @return null Previous validation ensures that this function doesn't fail. Therefore we can always return null to indicate no errors occurred.
function action_update_resolution_process( $p_bug_id ) {
   $f_resolution = gpc_get_string( 'resolution' );
   bug_set_field( $p_bug_id, 'resolution', $f_resolution );
   return null;

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