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Monitor project within Mantis

Started by administrator, 22 Apr 2024, 13:56:23

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This plugin allows users to initiate monitoring for a project. Once selected the user will be added to the monitorlist for each new issue that is added to the project.
In addition, monitoring can be enabled for all existing issues with a status below RESOLVED (***).
When removing a project from the monitorlist, the user will no longer be added as monitor for new is=sues.
In addition it is possible to remove all existing monitor registration for the project (***).
(***) these are settings on plugin level and cannot be set by the individual user.
Depending on the access level set for maintaining this monitoring, it can be done by each individual user.
If allowed a separate tab will appear with My Account.
Whoever has access rights to maintain users, will be able to adjust these settings within User maintenance.

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